Wine Scheme Applications

Management of your PDO/PGI Applications

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Applications for Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) for England and Wales, and for Quality Wine (QWS) for Sussex, must be made online via this website.

Applications can be made by the owner of the wine or by a third party (e.g. the winemaker) on their behalf. Applicants do not need to be members of Wines of Great Britain (WineGB), but all applicants must first register their details on this website.

Owners and their representatives are advised that the Applicant is legally responsible for all aspects of the application process, including payment, and that all correspondence and communications will be directly with the Applicant. No correspondence or communications will be entered into with any other party, whether they be the Owner, Winemaker or other interested person.

Summary terms and conditions relating to the application process, a link to Campden BRI standard terms and conditions for provision of analysis services and no-fault tasting, and provisions relating to the Data Protection Act are included in the Guide to Applications. All Applicants are required to have read and accepted these terms and conditions.

The Guide to Applications is available to download from the link on this page, along with details of the wine scheme rules for each of the schemes currently in force.

If you need further information or have any difficulties with the process you can contact the Wine Scheme Manager at [email protected].


Description Charge (ex VAT) Total inc VAT
Administration Fee £20.00 £24.00
No-fault Tasting £39.00 £46.80
Post-bottling-analysis (Still) £110.00 £132.00
Post-bottling-analysis (Sparkling) £105.00 £126.00

PRICE INCREASE statement from Campden BRI:
"Unfortunately, to remain sustainable we have had to increase prices in 2025 for post-bottling analyses and for no faults testing. Prices have remained heavily discounted for many years and did not factor in any increases to the price of chemicals, reagents, consumables, shipping, calibrations and maintenance, facility services, the costs of certification and national insurance increases. We have strived to keep these increases as low as possible and will we still offer substantial discounts across all of our offerings. We remain committed to the UK wine Industry by providing best-practice, internationally recognised analysis, continued investment in state of-the-art equipment and using the most reliable and accurate techniques in consultation with our partner, the Australian Wine Research Institute."

Approved laboratories: the following laboratories may be used for analytical testing (post bottling analysis):
  Campden BRI (UK)
  Laboratoire Beaujolais Bourgogne Oenologie (France)

1. The Administration fee is non-refundable.
2. Any re-analysis requested for an appeal is chargeable at current rates.
3. Analytical results will be assessed as reported (no tolerance allowance will be made).

CHANGE OF ADDRESS FOR SAMPLES: the Campden BRI laboratory has moved and samples should be sent to:
    Campden BRI (Nutfield) t/a Campden Wine Services
    2 Huxley Road
    Surrey Research Park
    GU2 7RE

Guidance Documents